The Speares

Living the life in Muskoka

When My Time Comes

I'm going to take the kids inheritance
and take it to a house of sin
and tell them I'll take everything on the menu
and that they should just keep on going, even if I don't.

When My Time Comes

I'm going to kiss a big bull alligator
I'm going to kiss him full on the lips
no tongue though
we'll have only just met.

When My Time Comes

I'm going drinking in the roughest bar in town
and I'll be drinking mint juleps
or maybe appletinis
and I'll stare at people.

When My Time Comes

I'm going to join a cult
I'll join a cult and say
I'm kind of thirsty
Is there any Koolaid.

When My Time Comes

I'll move to California
where everything gives you cancer.
And I'll them Hah!
You're too late.

When My Time Comes

I'm going to find religion
religions from Abramic to Zoroastrian
and I'll dare all 4,300 deities to strike me dead
one of them has to be the real deal.

When My Time Comes

I'm going to take up skydiving
not parachuting though
just the skydiving part
parachuting sounds dangerous.

When My Time Comes

I'm gonna buy me a motorcycle.
That should do it.

When My Time Comes

I'm going to do a lot of living
a whole lifetime's worth
maybe even a little more
in the time I have remaining

When My Time Comes